FBC Day Camp 2025
All children entering into K-6th grade Fall 2025 are welcome to join us for a week of fun, June 23rd-27th!
New Here?
Fill out our connection card. We’d love to get in touch with you or help plan your visit.

Planning a Visit?
What to expect on your first Sunday.
What are gatherings like?
We realize that checking out a new church can be an intimidating thing, and we promise to not embarrass or single you out as new comers. We encourage you to come as you are, dressed in whatever is comfortable for you. Our services are about an hour and fifteen minutes and consist of worship through music, prayer, and a message from the Bible. Our music is led by a live band and includes new songs as well as modern arrangements of old songs. Our normal method of preaching is what is called expository, which simply means that we preach through entire books of the Bible, verse by verse.
When you arrive…
…we’ll have coffee and snacks ready for you! Our gatherings start at 10:00AM and 6:00PM but feel free to come a couple minutes early. Stop by the welcome desk for help and directions on grabbing a coffee, dropping your kids off in the nursery if desired, and finding a seat for the gathering.
What about children?
Children are welcome in our gathering and can certainly stay with your family, but if desired, a nursery is available for kids birth-5 years. Our k-5th grade students join with the adults in worship through song and are dismissed during the sermon for a separate children’s lesson.We value your children and want to provide them with a safe and secure environment so they can learn about Jesus. Screened and trained staff and volunteers will care for your children.
What is the mission of the church?
We believe the deepest purpose of mankind is to glorify God who created us. We find that the mission of his church in accomplishing this is expressed most straightforward in the directive of Jesus to make disciples. We note this through the words: Go, Gather, Grow.
The call of a Christian is to “Go, therefore, and make disciples.” We believe that as a church we do not exist to be a social club, but a missional cooperative. We are a group of people who want to see the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed both locally and to the ends of the earth.
We also recognize the innate need of community within the human heart. The first thing in all creation that was “not good” was the loneliness of man. That need, along with the biblical command to gather together, provides the basis for the church (in which Christ is the head of the body of believers). We believe that Christians are most able to glorify God when they are consistently gathering together as His church.
Jesus completes his call to make disciples with the instruction to “teach everything I have commanded.” We express this desire as a need to grow in our faith. We desire the church to be an environment to learn more about Christ, and to become more like Him. This is the never-ending process of growing in faith.
Next Steps
Because connecting at a new church can feel overwhelming, here are the basics of what it looks like to know the church and become known at FBC.
Growth Communities
Growth Communities are groups that meet at FBC or in homes throughout the week to do life together and are particularly committed to the core functions of discipleship, care, and mission.
Serving Opportunities
Find the ways that you can help make a difference. Serving teams are meant to edify the church, bless other people, and care for the community we live in.
Prayer Requests
We want to be a church connected and caring for one another through prayer. Let us know how we can be in prayer and care for you.
Our Team
Nick McElrath
Senior Pastor
Katie Loken
Children’s Director
Gary Swigart
Care Pastor
Davis Nedland
Youth Director
Sadie Johnson
Music Director
Church Center App
Church Center is a mobile app and web experience that helps to keep our church members connected with us and with each other! You can use Church Center to update your profile information, which then opens the way to growth communities, event calendar, past sermons, event registrations and more.