Mission partners
Here are some
organizations and individuals that we support.
We deeply believe we are only one small part of the work God is doing around the world and work hard to support other Christian brothers and sisters as they serve elsewhere around the world.

Missionary Gospel Fellowship
Curtis and Jen Burnam desire to passionately disciple students and adults through short term mission trips that take youth groups and adult groups from the United States on mission trips all over the world. On these short-term mission trips the groups partner with ministries and churches in those countries. FBC partners with them on trips to Costa Rica.
Training leaders International
Training Leaders International trains pastors and leaders around the world, partnering with local leaders who have invited us to provide the theological training pastors and leaders desperately need. They meet this need through modular training, teaching in formal schools, planting schools and leading international churches. FBC supports Josh Montague with TLI.

To share the gospel and disciple all people in all places, The Navigators includes a wide variety of ministries and a broad family of missionaries, supporters, and volunteers. The Navigators reaches and disciples people in need of the gospel where they work, live, worship, and play: on college campuses and military bases, in inner cities, workplaces, churches, and local communities, and in hard to reach places. FBC supports Jeff and Beckie Wiegel (top) at UW-Madison and Roger and Lynn Hamilton (bottom) at Eagle Lake Camps.
ITEC develops tools and training programs, trains indigenous Christ-followers, and equips others to do the same both domestically and abroad. Our goal is to eliminate the potential for dependency by partnering with, training alongside, and learning from the indigenous churches. We call this interdependency, a concept found in passages throughout the Bible, and clearly in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
clarity clinic
Clarity Clinic of SW Wisconsin, LTD, is a non-profit, EDUCATIONAL organization. Our team of educators, nurses, and advocates are dedicated to serving women and men, through education, related to pregnancy and reproductive wellness. We are non-judgmental and provide unbiased, factual information to educate and empower you to make an informed choice.
Pioneers partners with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples. The unreached are cultural and ethnic groups without a self-sustaining witness to the gospel in their own cultures. Pioneers’ teams make their homes in unreached contexts and learn new languages. They use innovative and creative means to build relationships and make disciples. They introduce people to the Bible and share the gospel in culturally understandable ways. FBC supports Tom and Allison King.
Grace mission to haiti
Grace Mission in Haiti should be a ministry where leaders and people are of strong Christian Character. Developing leaders who will multiply leaders with proper doctrine and a servant’s heart, who will build changed people that will change the country! The idea is that when we are being what we need to be — God will open the door to do vast things for HIM!
World Venture
World Venture’s mission is engaging the world for gospel impact. Our vision is to see multitudes of disciples compelled by the love of God and willing to risk all so that people are transformed by God, impacting their families, communities, and world. FBC supports a couple with World Venture whose names and location are withheld from all online platforms. Please ask us in person about them!